City of Redding Watering Basics

What Time of Day Should I Water?

Landscape watering by any means including automatic irrigation systems, hose-end sprinklers, drip irrigation, hand-held hose, or bucket is prohibited except between the hours of midnight and 7:00 a.m. and again on the same day between the hours of the hours of 9:00 p.m. until midnight.

How Long Should I Water?

Redding and much of the surrounding area has clay soil, which does not absorb water quickly. In fact, runoff can occur after running some sprinklers for as little as five minutes. Precise watering times differ depending on the type of watering device, slope, soil and plants being watered.

Potable water should be applied to outdoor landscapes in a manner that does not cause runoff such that water flows onto adjacent property, non-irrigated areas, private and public sidewalks, roadways, parking lots or structures.

What Days Can I Water?

Customers whose street addresses end with an odd number should water only on Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday and only within the designated time period.

Customers whose street addresses end with an even number should water only on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday and only within the designated time period.

  • Winter:  No irrigation is needed as plants are dormant.

  • Spring:  Water needs increase when plants start growing, but rainfall is often sufficient.  Ongoing sprinkling may not be necessary. Watering seldom but deeply will encourage healthy root growth.

  • Summer: Water needs increase until late July, and then begin declining.

  • Fall:  With days getting shorter, water needs are coming down, so even during warm periods, water less often than during the summer. Some sprinkling may be needed until rains arrive, but irrigation systems can typically be shut off near the end of October.

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